Meet our new trustees and directors (Sept 2023)
Caerphilly Miners new trustees met for the first time last week as a board of directors. We have been working to strengthen our board for some time and are very pleased to welcome:
Matt Thornton (Accountant, experience of running a local football club)
Stewart Hammond (retired Accountant and former School Governor)
Catherine Uphill (Civil Servant with Governance and Management expertise)
Elizabeth Scarlett (former IT Teacher and volunteer at the Miners)
John Brinkworth (IT Consultant and Digi-Volunteer at the Miners)
They join board members:
Jenni Jones Annetts (former comprehensive teacher)
Ann Lewis (former Head of Welsh at St Martins School)
Nikki Prince Iles (Social Worker and former Youth Worker)
Matt Sturgess (Bank and finance experience)
Julie Annetts (Civil Servant, with specialist experience in social care)
Katherine Hughes (Community Development Consultant and retired Town Plannner)
The board has an exciting agenda ahead of it. The building is shortly to be completed. The new Building a Sustainable Future Lottery funded project has been launched. And we have appointed a new Centre Manager, Huw Rowlands, to join the team.
There has also been a turnaround of roles. Katherine Hughes is the new Chair. Matt Sturgess remains Vice Chair, Stewart Hammond becomes Treasurer. Catherine Uphill Secretary and Jenni Jones-Annnetts Membership Secretary. Ann Lewis is our Safeguarding Officer and all the other trustees are filling committee roles. We appreciate the workshops and training from Catalyst Cymru and GAVO last year and are so pleased to have been able to take their guidance forward.